// MissionTypes = CTF // DisplayName = Rock Lake //--- MISSION QUOTE BEGIN --- //I will take it with me when i die! // -- A rich old man once said! //--- MISSION QUOTE END --- //--- MISSION STRING BEGIN --- //[CTF]600 points for a win! // It's early morning and the early fog is just starting to burn off. //Map by RavensBro //--- MISSION STRING END --- //--- OBJECT WRITE BEGIN --- new SimGroup(MissionGroup) { powerCount = "0"; CTF_scoreLimit = "6"; cdTrack = "6"; musicTrack = "desert"; new MissionArea(MissionArea) { area = "-1000 -975 2000 2000"; flightCeiling = "2000"; flightCeilingRange = "50"; locked = "true"; }; new Sky(Sky) { position = "-1216 -1336 0"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; cloudHeightPer[0] = "0.349971"; cloudHeightPer[1] = "0.25"; cloudHeightPer[2] = "0.199973"; cloudSpeed1 = "0.0001"; cloudSpeed2 = "0.0002"; cloudSpeed3 = "0.0003"; visibleDistance = "550"; useSkyTextures = "1"; renderBottomTexture = "0"; SkySolidColor = "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.100000"; fogDistance = "450"; fogColor = "1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000"; fogVolume1 = "160 130 140"; fogVolume2 = "180 160 170"; fogVolume3 = "200 190 200"; materialList = "sky_desert_blue.dml"; windVelocity = "1 0 0"; windEffectPrecipitation = "1"; fogVolumeColor1 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 0.000000"; fogVolumeColor2 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 0.000000"; fogVolumeColor3 = "128.000000 128.000000 128.000000 0.000000"; cloudSpeed0 = "0.000000 0.000000"; locked = "true"; }; new Sun() { direction = "0.643953 0.643953 -0.413096"; color = "0.600000 0.600000 0.600000 1.000000"; ambient = "0.300000 0.300000 0.300000 1.000000"; position = "-1216 -1336 0"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; locked = "true"; scale = "1 1 1"; }; new TerrainBlock(Terrain) { rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; detailTexture = "details/desertdet2"; terrainFile = "Masada.ter"; squareSize = "8"; emptySquares = "336255 336511 336767 337023 337279 278131 278387 213107 213363 82548 295806 115588 246916 247172 181893 384900 385156 385412 385668 385924"; position = "-1024 -1024 0"; locked = "true"; }; new NavigationGraph(NavGraph) { conjoinAngleDev = "45"; cullDensity = "0.3"; customArea = "0 0 0 0"; position = "0 0 0 1"; rotation = "0 0 0 0"; YDimOverSize = "0"; GraphFile = "Masada.nav"; locked = "true"; scale = "1 1 1"; conjoinBowlDev = "20"; coverage = "0"; XDimOverSize = "0"; }; new WaterBlock(Water) { position = "72 -168 0"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "544 480 129"; liquidType = "RiverWater"; density = "1"; viscosity = "5"; waveMagnitude = "4"; surfaceTexture = "LiquidTiles/BlueWater"; surfaceOpacity = "0.7"; envMapTexture = "ice/skies/icebound_emap_cloudsground"; envMapIntensity = "0"; submergeTexture[0] = "ice/skies/icebound_emap_cloudsground"; removeWetEdges = "1"; }; new SimGroup(RandomOrganics) { powerCount = "0"; new SimGroup(Addition1PhoenixPlant2) { powerCount = "0"; new TSStatic() { position = "118.5 386.5 213.604"; rotation = "0 0 -1 78"; scale = "1.5 1.5 1.5"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "140.5 94.5 219.982"; rotation = "0 0 -1 1.9999"; scale = "0.8 0.8 0.8"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-321.5 107.5 110.939"; rotation = "0 0 -1 101"; scale = "0.9 0.9 0.9"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "156.5 -111.5 109.758"; rotation = "0 0 1 53"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-70.5 -364.5 56.7207"; rotation = "0 0 1 158"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-71.5 163.5 153.738"; rotation = "0 0 1 104"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "275.5 -428.5 70.6367"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-335.5 306.5 222.141"; rotation = "0 0 -1 26"; scale = "1.3 1.3 1.3"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-69.5 -66.5 268.201"; rotation = "0 0 1 163"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-299.5 -425.5 284.137"; rotation = "0 0 1 40"; scale = "0.8 0.8 0.8"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "205.5 -294.5 158.496"; rotation = "0 0 -1 107"; scale = "1.2 1.2 1.2"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-286.5 -49.5 104.34"; rotation = "0 0 -1 117"; scale = "0.9 0.9 0.9"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-44.5 -431.5 61.1484"; rotation = "0 0 1 204"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-409.5 329.5 153.207"; rotation = "0 0 1 107"; scale = "1.1 1.1 1.1"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; }; new SimGroup(Addition2PhoenixPlant3) { powerCount = "0"; new TSStatic() { position = "106.5 454.5 223.049"; rotation = "0 0 1 180"; scale = "0.7 0.7 0.7"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "90.5 -386.5 54.5996"; rotation = "0 0 -1 14"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-266.5 385.5 283.426"; rotation = "0 0 -1 50"; scale = "0.7 0.7 0.7"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-406.5 285.5 152.908"; rotation = "0 0 1 211"; scale = "1.5 1.5 1.5"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "33.5 373.5 104.133"; rotation = "0 0 1 197"; scale = "1.1 1.1 1.1"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "194.5 373.5 246.525"; rotation = "0 0 1 25"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "337.5 359.5 127.373"; rotation = "0 0 1 30"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "221.5 -148.5 176.709"; rotation = "0 0 1 47"; scale = "0.7 0.7 0.7"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-20.5 235.5 107.375"; rotation = "0 0 1 6.00005"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-390.5 -56.5 146.266"; rotation = "0 0 -1 89"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "4.5 -420.5 56.834"; rotation = "0 0 1 100"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "155.5 -235.5 176.275"; rotation = "0 0 -1 52"; scale = "1.5 1.5 1.5"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "347.5 -261.5 166.576"; rotation = "0 0 1 174"; scale = "0.8 0.8 0.8"; shapeName = "porg3.dts"; locked = "true"; }; }; new SimGroup(Addition3PhoenixPlant5) { powerCount = "0"; new TSStatic() { position = "263.5 -242.5 176.404"; rotation = "0 0 1 118"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-358.5 -157.5 112.832"; rotation = "0 0 1 60"; scale = "1.1 1.1 1.1"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "395.5 289.5 178.865"; rotation = "0 0 -1 47"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-156.5 257.5 214.682"; rotation = "0 0 1 206"; scale = "1.6 1.6 1.6"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-49.5 -436.5 61.123"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1.1 1.1 1.1"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-84.5 220.5 132.353"; rotation = "0 0 1 186"; scale = "1.2 1.2 1.2"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-225.5 286.5 282.639"; rotation = "0 0 1 212"; scale = "0.8 0.8 0.8"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "25.5 -178.5 172.76"; rotation = "0 0 -1 117"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-282.5 -300.5 280.658"; rotation = "0 0 1 235"; scale = "0.8 0.8 0.8"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "74.5 -355.5 56.8535"; rotation = "0 0 1 152"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-70.5 -56.5 270.82"; rotation = "0 0 1 164"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "229.5 -162.5 177.508"; rotation = "0 0 -1 34"; scale = "0.7 0.7 0.7"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "248.5 -219.5 198.689"; rotation = "0 0 1 86"; scale = "1.1 1.1 1.1"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; locked = "true"; }; }; new SimGroup(Addition4PhoenixPlant6) { powerCount = "0"; new TSStatic() { position = "-399.5 -396.5 211.094"; rotation = "0 0 -1 87"; scale = "1.5 1.5 1.5"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-249.5 -385.5 285.008"; rotation = "0 0 1 131"; scale = "1.2 1.2 1.2"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-280.5 -46.5 101.158"; rotation = "0 0 1 112"; scale = "1.3 1.3 1.3"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-314.5 -244.5 285.412"; rotation = "0 0 1 123"; scale = "0.9 0.9 0.9"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-287.5 228.5 262.816"; rotation = "0 0 -1 91"; scale = "1.2 1.2 1.2"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "325.5 352.5 124.748"; rotation = "0 0 1 8.00005"; scale = "1.3 1.3 1.3"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-60.5 -212.5 106.299"; rotation = "0 0 -1 50"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "0.5 -121.5 218.785"; rotation = "0 0 1 192"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-240.5 -371.5 286.293"; rotation = "0 0 1 133"; scale = "0.8 0.8 0.8"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-14.5 -325.5 56.1426"; rotation = "0 0 1 127"; scale = "0.7 0.7 0.7"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; }; new TSStatic() { position = "39.5108 50.7112 285.104"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "8.737 -0.5 285.739"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "8.3238 55.5653 284.675"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-37.7247 1.7271 284.938"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg6.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new SimGroup(Addition5PhoenixPlant1) { powerCount = "0"; new TSStatic() { position = "-791.5 823.5 175.647"; rotation = "0 0 1 204"; scale = "1.5 1.5 1.5"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "454.5 -438.5 81.4082"; rotation = "0 0 1 78"; scale = "0.7 0.7 0.7"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "534.5 535.5 167.596"; rotation = "0 0 -1 45"; scale = "0.8 0.8 0.8"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "64.5 729.5 50.0937"; rotation = "0 0 1 180"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-442.5 -532.5 175.75"; rotation = "0 0 -1 93"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "601.5 -73.5 166.547"; rotation = "0 0 -1 68"; scale = "1.5 1.5 1.5"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "852.5 -205.5 75.9668"; rotation = "0 0 -1 35"; scale = "1.2 1.2 1.2"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-289.5 -381.5 284.309"; rotation = "0 0 1 184"; scale = "1.3 1.3 1.3"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-185.5 -200.5 79.5351"; rotation = "0 0 -1 93"; scale = "0.7 0.7 0.7"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-505.5 -84.5 218.471"; rotation = "0 0 -1 94"; scale = "1.1 1.1 1.1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-241.5 -42.5 104.811"; rotation = "0 0 1 120"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-433.5 -348.5 199.502"; rotation = "0 0 1 134"; scale = "1.4 1.4 1.4"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-306.5 -586.5 208.242"; rotation = "0 0 -1 49"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "583.5 -79.5 156.969"; rotation = "0 0 1 12"; scale = "1.3 1.3 1.3"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; locked = "true"; }; }; new TSStatic() { position = "156.343 -27.9239 152.987"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "202.487 -23.2986 152.449"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "228.177 18.2311 143.748"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "279.594 -13.1241 165.997"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "300.087 -64.7471 174.154"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "266.993 -103.902 151.804"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "212.784 -106.62 151.608"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "197.886 -141.441 149.872"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "146.736 -157.072 164.381"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "65.0217 -99.81 141.468"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "617.022 134.02 132.624"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "597.781 156.564 140.536"; rotation = "0 0 -1 5.15676"; scale = "1 1 1.0507"; shapeName = "porg2.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "202.208 410.133 229.352"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "98.3021 481.152 214.752"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-172.41 710.54 213.337"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-227.269 756.886 175.977"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-330.495 582.499 111.307"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-176.203 -21.7257 152.003"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg5.dts"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-440.02 -4.12089 223.524"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "porg1.dts"; }; }; new SimGroup(ObserverDropPoints) { powerCount = "0"; new Camera() { position = "-20.6626 102.72 305.189"; rotation = "0 0 1 167.486"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "Observer"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; locked = "true"; }; new Camera() { position = "22.3738 -45.7446 306.076"; rotation = "0 0 -1 19.4805"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "Observer"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; locked = "true"; }; new Camera() { position = "177.817 42.2272 198.922"; rotation = "0 0 1 50.9932"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "Observer"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; team = "0"; }; new Camera() { position = "171.737 -570.743 94.6"; rotation = "0 0 1 229.366"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "Observer"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; team = "2"; }; new Camera() { position = "-66.5547 627.401 92.6"; rotation = "0 0 1 53.858"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "Observer"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; team = "1"; }; }; new SimGroup(Teams) { powerCount = "0"; new SimGroup(Team1) { powerCount = "0"; new SimGroup(spawnspheres) { powerCount = "0"; new SpawnSphere() { position = "51.1661 766.806 47.0525"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SpawnSphereMarker"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; radius = "100"; sphereWeight = "100"; indoorWeight = "100"; outdoorWeight = "100"; }; new SpawnSphere() { position = "77.5317 534.512 52.6833"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SpawnSphereMarker"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; radius = "60"; sphereWeight = "100"; indoorWeight = "100"; outdoorWeight = "100"; }; }; new SimGroup(base) { powerCount = "1"; new InteriorInstance() { position = "51.9895 769.209 49.8525"; rotation = "0 0 -1 90"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "pbunk3.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; team = "1"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "82.0019 528.535 52.7"; rotation = "0 0 -1 55.5769"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "pvbay1.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; team = "1"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "13.2554 655.76 36.7"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "pmiscb.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; team = "1"; }; new Item() { position = "13.2445 655.747 61.4273"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "Flag"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; collideable = "0"; static = "0"; rotate = "0"; WayPoint = "3628"; team = "1"; originalPosition = "13.2445 655.747 61.4313 1 0 0 0"; isHome = "1"; className = "FlagObj"; Target = "33"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "78.4665 530.853 50.5865"; rotation = "0 0 1 124.514"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationVehiclePad"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; station = "3470"; inUse = "Down"; scoutVehicle = "Removed"; Ready = "1"; team = "1"; Target = "-1"; AssaultVehicle = "Removed"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "74.1002 483.399 53.6893"; rotation = "0 0 1 214.469"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationInventory"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; inUse = "Down"; Trigger = "3473"; notReady = "1"; team = "1"; Target = "35"; }; new Item() { position = "30.3351 513.055 60.8519"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "RepairPack"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "0"; team = "1"; Target = "-1"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "120.3 528.37 62.7583"; rotation = "0 0 1 124.332"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationInventory"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; inUse = "Down"; Trigger = "3476"; notReady = "1"; team = "1"; Target = "36"; }; new Turret() { position = "42.3061 555.987 76.5961"; rotation = "0 0 -1 55.5769"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "TurretBaseLarge"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; initialBarrel = "AABarrelLarge"; team = "1"; Target = "37"; lastProjectile = "5957"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "57.4363 781.157 83.8078"; rotation = "0 0 -1 40.1071"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "GeneratorLarge"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; team = "1"; Target = "38"; }; new Turret() { position = "44.6656 797.551 89.8901"; rotation = "0 0 1 44.6907"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SentryTurret"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; initialBarrel = "SentryTurretBarrel"; team = "1"; Target = "39"; }; new Item() { position = "46.5277 780.846 74.1341"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "RepairPack"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "0"; team = "1"; Target = "-1"; }; new Item() { position = "35.4244 795.745 34.8903"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "RepairPack"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; collideable = "0"; static = "1"; rotate = "0"; team = "1"; Target = "-1"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "46.0551 788.531 23.8094"; rotation = "0 0 1 180"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationInventory"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; Trigger = "3483"; team = "1"; Target = "40"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "58.0263 788.517 23.8993"; rotation = "0 0 1 180"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationInventory"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; Trigger = "3485"; team = "1"; Target = "41"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "35.7239 842.906 41.8488"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationInventory"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; inUse = "Down"; Trigger = "3487"; notReady = "1"; team = "1"; Target = "42"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "41.9899 842.869 35.899"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationInventory"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; Trigger = "3489"; team = "1"; Target = "43"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "62.0333 842.878 35.899"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "StationInventory"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; Trigger = "3491"; team = "1"; Target = "44"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "51.6387 788.305 90.7776"; rotation = "0 0 1 180"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SensorLargePulse"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; team = "1"; Target = "45"; }; new WayPoint() { position = "52.2482 750.274 52.2838"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "WayPointMarker"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; name = "Storm"; team = "1"; }; }; 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homingCount = "0"; name = "Inferno"; team = "2"; }; }; }; new SimGroup(team0) { powerCount = "0"; new SimGroup(base) { powerCount = "1"; new InteriorInstance() { position = "13.925 26.5228 284.852"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "pbunk1.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; team = "1"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "396.117 103.91 16.7175"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "pbunk6.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; team = "1"; }; new StaticShape() { position = "395.945 106.161 50.7242"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "GeneratorLarge"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; team = "1"; Target = "59"; }; new ParticleEmissionDummy() { position = "396.339 104.21 48.2908"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "defaultEmissionDummy"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; emitter = "DamageBubbles"; velocity = "1"; team = "1"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "394.747 98.223 54.2047"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; 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team = "1"; Target = "65"; }; new Turret() { position = "407.446 103.986 50.712"; rotation = "0.999978 0.00659275 4.34573e-08 180"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "SentryTurret"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; initialBarrel = "SentryTurretBarrel"; team = "1"; Target = "66"; }; }; }; }; new SimGroup(Ambiance) { powerCount = "0"; new AudioEmitter() { position = "9.8136 30.4218 291.845"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "5"; maxDistance = "320"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "142.648 57.3514 208.275"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/fly_swarm.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "10"; maxDistance = "640"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "282.723 -80.4861 195.344"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets_drygrass.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "20"; maxDistance = "640"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "-217.778 29.7983 140.134"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets_drygrass.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "10"; 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coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "20000"; maxLoopGap = "40000"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "-63.0371 -93.4292 300.781"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/desertowl.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "20"; maxDistance = "1280"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "20000"; maxLoopGap = "40000"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-285.871 -411.232 284.689"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "statue_base.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new TSStatic() { position = "-285.696 -410.927 287.973"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; shapeName = "statue_lmale.dts"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "-275.567 -357.306 284.862"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "5"; maxDistance = "320"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "-265.219 354.731 282.973"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "5"; maxDistance = "320"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "253.759 920.783 116.104"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets_drygrass.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "10"; maxDistance = "640"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "-496.61 11.596 283.353"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets_drygrass.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "10"; maxDistance = "640"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "39.7127 -936.473 85.1724"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/crickets_drygrass.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "10"; maxDistance = "640"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "538.554 -200.028 109.636"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/fly_swarm.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "10"; maxDistance = "640"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "-322.772 610.102 90.3932"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/fly_swarm.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "10"; maxDistance = "640"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "135.595 655.625 61.6823"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/desertowl.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "20"; maxDistance = "1280"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "20000"; maxLoopGap = "40000"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "19.9462 110.091 285"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/desertowl.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "20"; maxDistance = "1280"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "20000"; maxLoopGap = "40000"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "161.739 -559.279 50"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/desertowl.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "20"; maxDistance = "1280"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "20000"; maxLoopGap = "40000"; type = "EffectAudioType"; locked = "true"; }; }; new SimGroup(Rocks) { powerCount = "0"; new InteriorInstance() { position = "53.0079 548.783 89.4275"; rotation = "-0.823562 0.394535 0.407539 30.7309"; scale = "1.64255 3.41089 3.53213"; interiorFile = "prock8.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "52.274 550.402 77.2919"; rotation = "0.0149922 0.0309679 0.999408 18.3436"; 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scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock8.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "-103.456 -497.684 90.3734"; rotation = "0 0 1 3.43771"; scale = "1 1.9 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "-86.3332 -527.967 64.8162"; rotation = "0 0 1 57.2958"; scale = "1 1 1.1843"; interiorFile = "prock8.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "-81.3809 -529.731 63.708"; rotation = "0.290308 -0.86437 0.410591 89.2485"; scale = "1 1.28206 1"; interiorFile = "prock8.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "121.26 -94.1591 104.323"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock6.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "183.909 -61.233 110.81"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock6.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "247.147 -47.0895 111.07"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; 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rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "323.625 126.731 56.9321"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "318.333 190.702 80.6971"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "411.835 128.715 51.1248"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "431.35 80.1092 54.4134"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "491.382 32.2197 62.988"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new InteriorInstance() { position = "527.616 111.354 58.2087"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; interiorFile = "prock7.dif"; 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interiorFile = "pmisc3.dif"; showTerrainInside = "0"; }; new ParticleEmissionDummy() { position = "13.2784 655.685 59.2"; rotation = "0 1 0 180"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "defaultEmissionDummy"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; emitter = "SmallLightDamageSmoke"; velocity = "1"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "13.0972 655.636 54.7296"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; scale = "1 1 1"; fileName = "fx/environment/wetwind.wav"; useProfileDescription = "0"; outsideAmbient = "1"; volume = "1"; isLooping = "1"; is3D = "1"; minDistance = "5"; maxDistance = "5.01"; coneInsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideAngle = "360"; coneOutsideVolume = "1"; coneVector = "0 0 1"; loopCount = "-1"; minLoopGap = "0"; maxLoopGap = "0"; type = "EffectAudioType"; }; new ParticleEmissionDummy() { position = "45.7196 -603.471 59"; rotation = "0 1 0 180"; scale = "1 1 1"; dataBlock = "defaultEmissionDummy"; lockCount = "0"; homingCount = "0"; emitter = "SmallLightDamageSmoke"; velocity = "1"; }; new AudioEmitter() { position = "45.6934 -603.354 55.2202"; 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