MECHINA LICENSE AGREEMENT ========================= In plain English... You promise not to try to take the mod apart or copy it without permission. You also agree that this software belongs to the authors and Sierra, not you. You understand that you have to have a working copy of Tribes 2 v25034 to play the mod, and we don't have to provide it for you. You agree not to sell the mod to anyone, no matter how much of a sucker they are. You agree that you CAN'T BLAME US for anything. If you install it wrong and your computer melts, its your fault. If you install it right and your computer melts, its still your fault. If the mod blows up your computer killing you, your dog, your best friend, and your neighbors' second cousins girlfriend, you've got to be the dumbest person on earth, and its still your fault. You agree that you won't clog up our email boxes by asking for any kind of support. We have support forums, its likely someone else has had the same problem resolved, so go there for your problems Don't email us for support! Use the forums, let someone else benefit from your resolution! In Legal-ese... By installing and using the software, you agree to these terms and conditions. 1. Limitation of Use You are permitted to install the software and use it to run a server or to play online or to play offline or to run a dual purpose server/client instance. You may not modify, reverse engineer, de-compile, or disassemble the software. You may not use components of it with other software and may not replace components within the software. 2. Ownership You recognize that this software contains materials owned by a third party (Sierra On-Line, Inc.) which are not included within Tribes 2, which the Authors have permission to distribute within the software, and that neither you nor the Authors claim any ownership of said materials. All remaining content of the software will remain the exclusive property of the Authors, whether or not specifically recognized or protected under the laws of the country where the software is located. You hereby assign and agree to assign any and all rights relating to this software to the Authors for no additional consideration. You will not take any action that jeopardizes the Authors, including translations, modifications, adaptations or derivations of the software, unless granted by the Authors with prior written consent. 3. Requirements You understand that this software requires Tribes 2 to already be installed and functional and that it must be purchased separately. The Authors are not responsible for providing you with a functional installation of Tribes 2. 4. Sale, Rent, or Lease You may not rent, lease, or sell the software to any party. You may freely redistribute the software, provided that you comply with the Authors requests that only original, unaltered copies of the software installation package, and or add on packages will be redistributed. 5. Waiver of Damages Under no circumstances will the Authors be liable to you for any direct, consequential, indirect or special, punitive or incidental damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, based on your claims or the claims of any third party, whether based on this agreement, any commitment performed or undertaken under on or in connection with this agreement. 6. Support You acknowledge that the Authors are not obligated to provide technical support for this software either now or in the future. While the Authors may maintain a technical support forum on their website (http://www, you acknowledge that the Authors under no liability or obligation to maintain it and may discontinue its existence ay any time. Furthermore, you also agree that you will not attempt to contact the authors for technical support issues via electronic mail. 7. Warranty No warranty is provided or implied by the Authors, it is provided "as is". By installing this software, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Mechina