//kothPrefs.cs //v0.2.2 beta //This file is for servers that wish to use values other than the defaults. //If you want to just use the defaults then leave this file as is or remove it completely. //Each option will be described in turn. //-------------------------------------------------- //The following applies only to regular KOTH. //-------------------------------------------------- //this is the time in minutes that is required before someone can win $Koth::Pref::SoloWinTime = 5; //this is the time in seconds that dictates the time interval for when the time is reduced outside the zone //in other words, every X seconds, reduce the accumulated time //if this is set to zero then the time will automatically be reset to zero upon leaving the zone //setting this value to a negative number (ie -1) will completely disable the decreasing of time while outside the zone //this should not be set to a decimal number (ie 5.3) $Koth::Pref::SoloReduceTime = 1; //this is the time in seconds that dictates by how much the accumulated time is reduced while outside the zone //in other words, reduce the accumulated time by Y seconds //this should not be set to zero, a negative, or a decimal number (ie 5.3) $Koth::Pref::SoloReduceAmount = 1; //this is whether or not a person should have their collected time reduced if they die //if false, death penalty has been disabled //if true, death penalty has been enabled (same as disabled if the penalty amount is set to zero) $Koth::Pref::SoloDeathPenalty = false; //this is the amount of time in seconds a person is penalized for dying //if this is set to zero, then it's as good as having the death penalty disabled //avoid negatives and decimals $Koth::Pref::SoloDeathPenaltyAmount = 30; //-------------------------------------------------- //The following applies to both regular and Team KOTH. //-------------------------------------------------- //these options have no effect as voting and admin options have not been coded //I'm waiting for some feedback from players, admins, and servers as to what exactly they want //the following options control whether or not people can vote on //or the admins can change the options above //true = allowed //false = disallowed //voting $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteSoloWinTime = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteTeamWinTime = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteSoloReduceTime = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteTeamReduceTime = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteSoloReduceAmount = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteTeamReduceAmount = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteSoloDeathPenalty = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteTeamDeathPenalty = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteSoloDeathPenaltyAmount = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowVoteTeamDeathPenaltyAmount = false; //when set to true, the DeathPenalty and Solo/TeamReduceTime become mutually exclusive //aka they aren't on at the same time (both can be false, but only one can be true) //when set to false, both can be on at the same time //it is recommended that this stay as true $Koth::Pref::AllowAutoModeSwitchOnVote = true; //admin $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminSoloWinTime = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminTeamWinTime = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminSoloReduceTime = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminTeamReduceTime = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminSoloReduceAmount = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminTeamReduceAmount = false; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminSoloDeathPenalty = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminTeamDeathPenalty = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminSoloDeathPenaltyAmount = true; $Koth::Pref::AllowAdminTeamDeathPenaltyAmount = true; //when set to true, the DeathPenalty and Solo/TeamReduceTime become mutually exclusive //aka they aren't on at the same time //when set to false, both can be on at the same time //it is recommended that this stay as true $Koth::Pref::AllowAutoModeSwitchOnAdmin = true;